Recent content by Lobobo

  1. L

    What is the command for checking my own output status? Making a quizz machine.

    Hello guys, I am programming a quiz pannel where I have few questions and few answers written on it and for each question there's buttons representing answers. For each question I have two wrong and one right answer. Everytime when I get right push button (next to right answer) pressed I light...
  2. L

    Making absolute encoder

    Hi. Advice needed. Currently I making wind turbine project. My wind power generator is almost ready to go and to avoid cable wraping around the pole I want to make construction be able to control wind turbine direction. At the moment I am working on absolute encoder and I'm thinking of using two...
  3. L

    Picaxe 08M2 and 28X2 doesn't talk to each other.

    Hi. I have a problem to make communicating two chips. I have to send temperatures, but I stuck on first step just testing to send some byte. I'm trying to send one byte from chip 08M2 to chip 28X2. I have connected some capacitors (u1K63) next to both chips between positive and ground and...
  4. L

    PT1000 versus DS18B20, which one?

    Hi. I am doing some home heating system controller what will be controling water solar collector, boiler and hot water cylinder. Temperatures will be checked and depending on readings the heating source (Solar or Boiler) and heating target (house or HWC) will be changed relitevely. I am confused...
  5. L

    Question on project with Two Chips interfaced with one RTCC and LCD (AXE033).

    Hi. I am doing quite complicated (for me) project as it involves two chips (28x2 and 40x2) connected via serial and both requiring the time reading from LCD. It's heating system project where I was short of RAM and EEPROM, so I decided to go for two chips. One chip does the timetable job, it...
  6. L

    Serial messaging chip to chip

    Hi. I am trying to send messages from chip 40x1 to 08M2 chip. This was my choice because of shortage of RAM, EEPROM and TABLE memory on single chip. All I need is to save data from 0 to 255 to 08M2's EEprom. To trigger read on 08M2 I am using interrupt on input pin. So 40x1 is sender, 08M2 is...
  7. L

    The Text string size limit in Picaxe Table memory. How to store 300 characters?

    Hi. I am trying to show different text messages on 20x4 LCD screen from PICAXE 28x2. In total I have around 300 symbols. Suddenly I faced the problem as the picaxe cannot store this much of data. I tried to use TABLE command and later on to call strings by using READTABLE command. example...
  8. L

    Problems reading the time from AXE033 via I2C.

    Hi. I have some difficulties reading the time into Picaxe 28x1 from AXE033 module via I2C. I have 3V battery fitted on my AXE033 kit, also I have jumper J1 connected to get it running in I2C mode. I can send text onto LCD screen via I2C succesfuly, but when I try to read the time from it, it...
  9. L

    Displaying the temperature from DS18B20 on Hitachi 2x16 LCD

    Hi. I believe that there is answer for my question somewhere in the forum, but I could not find it. So I am trying to make some temperature display where I am using DS18B20 sensor and Hitachi 16x2 LCD display conected like it's shown in mannual 2 page 36. It displays a message from eeprom like...
  10. L

    AXE033 tests. Variable isn't displayed on LCD if it's above 9. Why?

    Hi. Please help me with AXE033 LCD module. I am testing my new AXE033 LCD board with RTC and I've stuck with simple :confused: task. I am using PICAXE 28X1 and AXE033 LCD module connected via serial port. I am trying to display some text and variable, so everything works if variable does not...
  11. L

    Help needed with circuit diagram with infrared receiver

    Hi. I need some help with circuit diagram how to connect infrared receiver to sense the aproaching object. Also I have bought an infrared transmitter and receiver from rapidonline...
  12. L

    How to use output status as input??

    Hi guys. I need some help with the code. I would like to use the output status (high or low) for my future programming as input. What command or function I should use for this. I can explain what I need verbally, not with the code as my program is very long. Basically my task is: "If output 1...
  13. L

    bi-color LED and darlington driver

    For some reasons my bi-color LED does no work with my 28X1. Is it because of darlington driver? I connected it by default diagram with a resistor on one output. Maybe ist should be done different way with darlington driver or problem is different? Thank you.
  14. L

    Running timer together with other running loops.

    Hi. I am doing burglar alarm and stuck with last bit, when I come home. My one of PIR's detects me and it must give me 10s for alarm deactivation, but the same time it checks the serial keyboard input and on timeout trigers sirens. Im using Picaxe 18X1. There's copy of my program bit where...
  15. L

    Connecting USB wireless keyboard to Picaxe

    Please, Help connecting USB wireless keyboard to Picaxe. I found drawings and codes for PS/2 keyboard connection, but I would like to use USB one, expecially wireless Im interested in. Could proffesionals help a novice with this issue with drawings and programming code please if it's possible...