Picaxe 18m2 to a 128 x 64 oled


New Member
This program was originally created by paraglider_nut. I added more comments and also a variable data section, wich I believe was created by Hippy. I also added a "top of page" subroutine, as the program did not always start at the top of the display and was also scrolling left to right, one column of pixels, at a time. The display commands I don't understand and therefore could not explain, have question marks after them.



Senior Member
Hi Captnemo,

I tried your code on a 20X2, but all i see on my OLED is a full screen of small separated lines.

I only changed the code to use a 20X2 instead of an 18M2 etc, is there something else within the code i should be adjusting too?
