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  • J
    julianE reacted to erco's post in the thread David Lincoln books with Like Like.
    Thanks julianE. I am safe in Torrance,, 20+ miles south any fires. Such a shame , destruction on a huge scale.
  • F
    Flenser reacted to benbaker7's post in the thread Sertxd with Like Like.
    Hi flenser. Well I seem to have solved the problem. By removing the debug command, everything works perfectly, including auto opening...
  • I
    inglewoodpete replied to the thread Scrivere su eeprom 24C256.
    I apologise - my code was for a 20X2. I had connected two i2c chips: an EEPROM (24LC256) and a Clock DS1307 for logging data. Mi scuso...
  • B
    benbaker7 replied to the thread Sertxd.
    Yes, I see I was trying to mix apples with oranges, as they say! Thank you to all those who responded. Ben b
  • The bear
    The bear reacted to AllyCat's post in the thread Sertxd with Like Like.
    Hi, SERTXD and DEBUG use different protocols but (must) use the Same PICaxe pin with ALL of the PICaxes. Therefore, the Program...
  • A
    AllyCat replied to the thread Sertxd.
    Hi, SERTXD and DEBUG use different protocols but (must) use the Same PICaxe pin with ALL of the PICaxes. Therefore, the Program...
  • E
    emilio0 replied to the thread Scrivere su eeprom 24C256.
    Vi ringrazio per interessamento! Per Jack brucia: -il pin 7 e 1,2,3,4 sono a massa. -i valori delle resistenze controllate sono 4.68 e...
    • Display_del programma_08m2.jpeg
    • Display_PE6.jpeg
  • Aries
    Aries replied to the thread Sertxd.
    "Note that the debug command uploads a large amount of data and so significantly slows down any program loop. To display user defined...
  • B
    benbaker7 replied to the thread Sertxd.
    Hi flenser. Well I seem to have solved the problem. By removing the debug command, everything works perfectly, including auto opening...
  • B
    benbaker7 replied to the thread Sertxd.
    I also note that when a download occurs, a screen headed 'debug' appears. To get the serial terminal screen, I have to x out of the...
  • B
    benbaker7 replied to the thread Sertxd.
    Hi flenser. Yes. Serial terminal is set to 4800 n 8 1.
  • F
    Flenser replied to the thread Sertxd.
    Ben, The symptoms you describe match what can happen when the baud rate you are using in PE does not match the baud rate being used by...
  • B
    benbaker7 replied to the thread Sertxd.
    Hu eclectic. Program exactly as per page 219, with the inclusion of 'debug' in the line after sertxd - but I've tried placing it in all...
  • E
    eclectic replied to the thread Sertxd.
    Post your full program please Ben.
  • B
    benbaker7 posted the thread Sertxd in Active PICAXE Forum.
    Hi Folks. In experimenting with sertxd p219 pt 2, I get about 60% garbage each line, before printing ' the value of b1' etc. I've...