Extreme Hacksaw - "PICAXE 04M"


Ex-Staff (retired)
Perhaps also known as "Idiot Engineering".

Inspired by discussion on PICAXE leg amputation to create smaller chips ...


I decided to take a hacksaw to an 08M, removing the top and bottom pair of legs. Amazingly it still works, with power provided through the internal clamp diodes - don't set output 4 low or it will self destruct ! Though perhaps could call that a feature :)

Not an excessive amount one can do with it but there are usefulnesses and it does (1) prove it can be done, (2) prove there's always someone 'insane enough' to try, and (3) that the silicon die extends across no more than two pins. That later information could be useful for hacking / hacksawing other chips.

I have also worked out how to make it both programmable and have the run-time program instantly start without risking damage to the chip ( as if cutting its legs of isn't enough for it to be going on with ).

Circuit diagrams, notes and example code attached. Also a poor quality image of it sitting in an 8-pin DIL socket. I'll see if I can find a better digital camera.


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Senior Member
Hi Hippy,

What was your motivation foir doing this? I did see your previous post on 4-pin PICAXE.



Ex-Staff (retired)
Motivation ... Really the Marcwolf post where a cut-down PICAXE was a potential solution -


Idle musings on just how big the silicon die was set neurons firing. Staring at pinouts I considered which could go smaller and still work, then I recalled parasitic powering which meant 0V/+V legs were not absolutely essential. The rest, as they say, is history.


Ex-Staff (retired)
A better picture of the "04M Demo Board" I'm using. Insert into top socket to program, insert into lower socket to use.



Senior Member
It will propably not be too long, until someone sees an 04m lying around and thinks " ah here is the optocoupler that is missing from my off-line switch mode psu.. POOF" :)
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