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  1. W

    Chicken feed

    I have built a circuit that controls a small motor. The motor lifts the food for my hens about 1/2 meter so that the hens can't get food. Next morning the motor will lower the food again. This is to avoid feeding rats at night. The engine must run until a micro switch on a string disconnects...
  2. W

    Random number - not random

    I wonder what is happening here. #PICAXE 08M2 #No_Data start0: random w0 w1 = w0 // 2550 + 1 goto start0 start1: random w2 w3 = w2 // 2550 + 1 goto start1 After each pass contains W0 always the same value as W2. But if I insert a short break in one of the loops, the values are different...
  3. W

    National Characters

    A minor problem with the Programming Editor ver. 6 (downloaded yesterday). In my country we have six special characters in the alphabet (compared to English). When programming there is, of natural causes no problems, but when I write comments I get these characters "translated" into other...
  4. W

    A "small" problem with FRM050 drawing

    Found this "small" problem in the drawing of FRM050 I don't think any of the chips will get enough power! Question: What makes this chip, which I can not make with a direct link between a PICAXE and L293D?
  5. W

    Problems with reading/writing to 24C32

    I try to read and write to the 24C32 module in this "Tiny I2C RTC DS1307 AT24C32". According to the seller includes one 32k RAM module. My problem with it is that I apparently can not address more than 256 bytes. I tested it with this code. #PICAXE 08M2 #No_Data i2cslave %10100000, i2cfast...
  6. W

    Slow lookup routine?

    Is lookup command very slow? I have worked with a small stepper motor and has been a little bit confused. In an attempt to make my program a little more elegant, I have rewritten SlowCW routine to FastCW routine as shown here. #picaxe 14M2 #No_Data Symbol rest = 1 DirsB = %00011110 do gosub...
  7. W

    Master Slave using serout and serin

    I have now struggled to get the following to work, but the damn things won't do as I suppose they should. Having a 18M2 to work as a Master and some 08M to work as Slaves. This should be very simple as I only tries to send a character from the Master to the Slave. Afterwards the Slave should...
  8. W

    Possible errors in Programming Editor

    When inserting a block start character "{" in line 1 and block end character "}" a few lines further down and then save the program, you will experience a disaster when you start the program again. Almost the entire program has disappeared. Only the top line and a few other lines are back, and...
  9. W

    On-screen simulation

    In the latest (and some earlier) version of the Programming Editor (5.4.2) is a very interesting and probably useful feature. I think of the function on-line simulation (Simulation -> Connection), but at the touch of this function, the following text appear: "Sorry, this feature is still under...
  10. W

    Serin and serout o8M to 08M

    I bought a wireless receivers and transmitters from Hongkong, just want to play with them. Now I tried to transmit data between two 08M. After one day of struggling I gave up. I never got the same data on the receive side as send from the transmit side. Only nonsense. Then I put a wire between...
  11. W

    Strange behavior of 20X2

    Again a strange behavior of 20x2 connected to a AXE033 - try to look at this very simple program: The LCD start counting OK from 1 to 9, but then things goes wrong. The numbers 10, 11, 12 are shown as 1%, 1%, 1%, where % indicates garbage. That means many strange characters. It is always the...
  12. W

    No output pin B.7

    I wonder what is going on here. In this small program I don't see activity on port B.7. (B.6 works OK) But when adding "let dirsB = %11111111" after the ReadTem12 statement it works OK. As shown here: Anny hint?
  13. W

    AXE110 wizard

    In playing with the AXE110 datalogger and using the wizard in the Programming Editor I can't figure out why the wizard only allows 4096 readings per probe. This gives a total of 16384 readings, namely 4 X 4096. I am using a 24LC256 and this chip should be able to hold 32768 bytes. Is my math...
  14. W

    Forum Log Out

    Question: Each time my wife ask me to do some work, this forum has timed out when returning after doing my duty. Anyway to prevent that or extent the time?
  15. W

    Powering PICAXE from the source to measure

    I follow this forum frequently and find it very interesting and instructive. This is my first try to get some help - sorry for my English but this is not my native language. Question: Will this circuit work? My problem is if the PICAXE 08M can be powered by the same source as i try to measure...