Weird things in program editor


New Member
When I type 'if...then gosub' the program editor tells me that there is an error with this line.

This example is from the manual:

if pin0 = 1 then gosub flsh
goto main

flsh: high 1
pause 5000
low 1

Even when I copied the example from the manual it did the same thing.

Also it does not recognise pin0 (with a zero not letter o) if I type it or use a pre-written program that comes with the program editor. (which is set on 08M mode).

I just type a 0 (zero) instead of pin0.
But my program needs to use gosub.

Does anyone know what is happening?



Senior Member
Have you selected the "Enhanced Editor" option.

pin0 is a variable which reflects the digital value on input pin 0 (a binary '0' or '1'). 0 is the actual pin for outputs.

b0=pin0 ;used as a logical input
high 0 ;used as an output

Confusing? It was for me, too ;o)