Vmusic2 , Sound finished playing hack.


New Member

In a couple of apps using the Vmusic2 I had to know when the module had finished playing a sound file. I couldn’t figure out how to do it through the firmware so I did it this way:
- solder a wire from the indictor LED (the leg nearest the usb connector).
- connect this wire directly to In3 (leg 14), on a picaxe 28x1 in this case.
- the firmware flashes the LED on/off while playing music and then keeps it on when finished playing.
The LED output wire pulses High Low when playing a file then goes Low (and stays Low) when finished playing it.

Use a pulsin command, within a loop, to figure out when the file was finished playing. If w3 contains any value other than 0 then the file is playing. The program will be stuck in the loop until w3 contains 0 (a time out). This means the file is done. Pretty cheesy hack, but it works:

‘your program has started playing a track by the time it gets here.

'**** Look for pulses from the LED wire… which means File is Playing
pulsin 3,0,w3 ' Check to see if pin3 has a pulse on the input.
sertxd (#w1, lf) ‘ for testing, you can remove this later
if w3 <> 0 then check_playing 'Loop until the LED stops flashing

sertxd ("File done") ‘File has stopped playing here


Ex-Staff (retired)
That's an excellent hack. You might be able to reduce the delayed response to music stopping by using a counter ...

  w3 = 0
    w3 = w3+1
    If Pin3 = 1 Then
      w3 = 0
    End If
  Loop Until w3 > ?
  SerTxd("File done")
It would be worth making a post in the Audio/Visual Finished Project section.