Using the PINS command


Senior Member
When using Let PinsB = 0 will all pinsB be effected in this code example.

 let dirsb = %00111111

High B.6, B.7

let pinsb = 0
Or wil B.6 and B.7 still remain high as i want them to.

I am unsure if the "High" command is ignored in the pinsB statement if those pins are not set in the DIRSB command, or because the high command sets those pins as outputs are they then subject to also being included in the Let PinsB = 0 command.


The pins command will set/crear all IO for the port which have previously been set as outputs.
As the HIGH (or even LOW) commands make B.6 and B.7 outputs they are also affected by the pinsB command


Senior Member
Thanks Westy, that is exactly what i had expected to happen, i just needed to make sure my theory was correct, although i had hoped it might not effected the high/low commanded pins if they were not included in the DirsB command.