Using 433Mhz Tx & Rx with picaxe to operate toy car


New Member
Hello All

I am trying to help a student with a remote control project where they will use the 433 Tx & Rx to operate the vehicle. I do not know enough about the 433Mhz Tx & Rx. I wonder if anyone could help me in relation to, how are the TX & Rx connected to the 08M picaxe? And also does the code operate in the same way that it would if you where programming a vehicle directly? Thank you for any help that is provided. Gaetano


What you propose should be possible.

To enable folks here to better help you, can you please provide some further details:

1. Which 433MHz modules are you intending to use. Keymark from Jaycar, HopeRF types, or other (give a link to those applicable)

2. Some details on exactly how you intend the control to work. Certainly passing a byte or two of data between two PICAXE chips via 433MVhz is very easy.

Also, do a search on this forum. Several including myself have posts covering preambles. pauses and data for the simpler systems.
I have used the Keymark modules transfering 3 or 4 bytes at a time.


Agree with westy.

Have you done ANY research into selcting an RF module?
Some are dumb, some are a bit smarter.
Dumb ones will require you to do some more coding a mentioned by Westy above.
The smarter ones make life easier but a tad more expensive.
Will you be doing this on the cheap or will your budget stretch to twenty quid?

A Westy has said, this has been covered in DETAIL many, many times.
I'm sure you spend half an hour searching on this Forum you will uncover a pile of info.

What is your skill level with electronics and coding?

Searching on "preamble" may filter out a lot of the waffle.


New Member
I did this a few years ago. There was a problem. I can't remember exactly what it was, but I think it was to do with the 08M running a servo and then going off and running a serin from time to time. I think the servos didn't like that. Maybe there is a solution to that now, eg some of the newer picaxes.

It did work in the end, but not quite as well as I would have liked. Hmm - worth breadboarding before soldering would be my suggestion.


I did this a few years ago. There was a problem. I can't remember exactly what it was, but I think it was to do with the 08M running a servo and then going off and running a serin from time to time. I think the servos didn't like that. Maybe there is a solution to that now, eg some of the newer picaxes.

It did work in the end, but not quite as well as I would have liked. Hmm - worth breadboarding before soldering would be my suggestion.
Yes the X1 and X2 parts have a timeout function on the SERIN command.
Maybe use two 08M's - one driving servo's with some tighter comms with handshake (ie when an input is high then do a serin) from the other to send values across and second to accept data form 433MHz radio link