USB Memory Drive


New Member
Has anyone interfaced a USB memory pen drive to a PICAXE for data logging?. As these devices are now available up to 2 GBytes and are now very inexpensive, they would make an ideal storage device for logging comma delimitered text data files for easy import into Excel or similar.


Technical Support
Staff member
The real issue is how to interface a PICAXE to USB, particularly difficult because the PICAXE would have to be a master and the USB device the slave, and most interface chips ( such as from FTDI ) are designed to create slave devices which connect to a master, not the other way round.

It's technically possible - A PICAXE could talk serially to a PC which stores data on the USB device - but I don't know of anything off-the-shelf which could do that which isn't a PC.

USB Host chipsets are available, but I suspect that they are not very suitable for connection to PICAXE, and the USB protocol isn't that simple to handle.