Tutorials for Picaxe

I am finding plenty of tutorials for the Arduino. Sometimes
they help me but I'm a Picaxe guy. Do I just have to hunt thru the FORUM
or are there some shortcuts to finding code, for example, for
the sensors which can be very complicated?


Senior Member
the unfortunate side of Arduino is it creates an almost lazy culture with things like libraries.
a lot of sensors will have different ways that the need to be accessed. This forums is great in the fact that a simple question with something you are stuck on will normally get a quick response.
most sensors aren't that complex and its case of reading the ADC and checking the results. Sensors like the DS18b20 have plenty of code examples around the forum, but with that said, how the raw data from the sensor is interpreted will depend on the application which is something that most tutorials will fail to point out


New Member
...are there some shortcuts to finding code, for example, for
the sensors which can be very complicated?

I am using the PicAxe because I was interested in another MCU besides the TI LaunchPad and the Arduino.
Programming the PicAxe should be easy, they say. Because it is programmed in Basic.
Let me tel you. I used BASIC for the first time in 1975. And I have used a lot of BASIC dialects. But this is no BASIC. No way!
This is a cryptic sort of self invented PicAxe script.
But, it is fun to learn something different.
Code? Not 1% of what you can find for the Arduino.
You have to figure out a lot for yourself.
And when you do it gives a nice feeling.
I would say, go for it. It is fun.
I still have a lot of fun learning PacAxe-schript.
The use of variables still baffles me some times.
Converting from ASCII to int by using a #... And it outputs the ASCII chars to give you a value. Ahhhhh!
You can use a lot of sensors. Just output the raw ADC data and do the math in Processing.
Or like I am doing, In real BASIC.
I connect my PicAxe to an old fashioned COM port, one with 9 pins.
Get the ADC output and do the math with GW-BASIC and QuickBASIC.
Works like a charm.
Or if you want graphics, use Processing.
If you are in to .NET use VisualStudio. If you like real large files.

Don't let the lack of tutorial scare you away.
It is really fun to learn to do things in PicAxe.

Henk Siewert

thnx 4 ur comments !!
good comment on culture of libraries
I know the the forum likes specific questions
accelerometers, gyros, magnetometers, barometric pressure
some sensors have 60 pages of specs !!!
I will try the UK LINK
this is basic with things like readadc rdir and a couple dozen other
powerful special instructions all kinds of serial instrs
and I2C - I LOVE this basic from the BRITS
I'll look at CREATOR and the SNIPPETS
Thanx llarry