Slowing the serial data rate down


How do I slow the serial data rate down when transmitting between ERFs from a 18m2 to an axe133y? I'm talking about a delay between each character and not the baude rate.


Senior Member
Use separate serout (or hserout) commands with a short pause in between. If using # to convert variables to ASCII, use bintoascii instead.


Thanks for the reply srnet. Is there anyway that I can create a single command for the whole data input that will slow it down instead?


Senior Member
Is there anyway that I can create a single command for the whole data input that will slow it down instead?
Not a proper command. You can use a lookup table with serout command in a for:next loop which will be handy if you want to send a long string. The for:next loop on its own might be enough to eliminate the need for the pause command.