Sertxd with Hserin and Hserout.


Senior Member
With the 08m2 can sertxd be used once a hsersetup command has been used?

What i want to do is receive serial data using Hserin, but as both pins of hserin and hserout are effected with the hsersetup command, and with the Hserout pin also the same pin used for serial out (C.0), can the sertxd command also be used when hsersetup is enabled.

I have not tried this, as still in the planing stage, but had a feeling there might have been an conflict issue.


Technical Support
Staff member
On M2 parts you can disable hserout by bit 3 of mode.
The manual is a bit dated and so misleading - ignore the 'both pins are affected' statement, this no longer applies on later chips that support the new bit3/4 enable/disable feature.


Senior Member
Thanks Technical,

That makes perfect sense, and now i see it in the manual, thought i had looked everywhere but missed it in the "mode" table.