SEROUT to send data to PC?


Senior Member
I would like to use SEROUT (I suppose) to send serial data back to the computer via the serial port, display the data in something like Hyperterm, but later in my own PC application (VB6).

Can someone point me to a page showing the details, or outline what I need to do?

What pins on the serial port need to go to what pins on the PICAXE?
What would the BASIC code look like to send "Hello World" back to the PC?

Many thanks in advance!


Ex-Staff (retired)
Easiest is to use SERTXD if you have it ( SEROUT to Pin 0 on 08/08M/14M/20M ) as that sends through the download cable. Use an Nxxxx baud rate ...

SEROUT 0, N2400, ( "Hello World!", CR, LF )

More details in PICAXE Manual 3, plenty of code, examples and discussion in the forum, particularly the main page forum "User Projects - Communications", plus ...

HyperTerm's bad choice IMO, a pain to configure. Try the Terminal Emulator here, especially as that's written in VB6 ...


Senior Member
OMG Hippy! Thanks so much, it works! I almost clapped my hands in joy! I did get HyperTerm to work too...

Now I can build interfaces to the world and have them communication with my computer, all I have to do.. Is learn how! HA HA!

Thanks again Hippy, your a champ!


Excellent. Good news.

Before you come back with "can anyone write my VB code for me?" there have been gallons of threads on that subject so a search (sometimes tedious and boring) can uncover a lot of useful info.

Roger and out ;)


Senior Member
Hippy, I made you famous, well... actually I think you already are... Ive been on your page a few times before finding this forum! HA HA!

"I just found out thanks to Hippy how to send data via SEROUT back to the laptop's serial port and I can print "Hello World!" in HyperTerm!"

Click on (More Info) to see the whole useless blurb.



Ex-Staff (retired)
I can see it's going to be a rollercoaster ride of excitement. Enjoy yourself; that's what it's all about !


Senior Member
I suggest that you have some "clean wipes" to hand when you start making LEDs flash then!
BB, I dont understand what your saying sir, can you please re-word? I dont know what "clean wipes", to hand and LED flashes are in this context. I feel it is my lack of understanding. Thanks.

Thanks Hippy, Im excited beyond words with the new capabilities I have just entered!!

I too am interested in doing a similar thing in the not too distant future, with the main differnce being that it will be done through the USB cable.

I am unable to test this for my self at the moment, but I hope that someone else may know the answer:
Does using USB make it any harder than saving data on the computer using the serial port?

I have only done an initial search so far, so please do not shout at me for asking, but; is there an easy automated macro or similar that allows data to be sent from a PICAXE using SERTXD, directly into excel, and plotted on a graph, or will human intervention be required at some point in the process?


Ex-Staff (retired)
Does using USB make it any harder than saving data on the computer using the serial port?
No. You have to interface to the USB interface chip and have that configured correctly ( it will be if an AXE027 ) but beyond that, as far as the PC application is concerned, whether data comes in through a physical serial port or a USB virtual serial port, it won't know and won't care.


Senior Member
If you want to move the mouse with two pots then I posted a thread a while ago on how to.

"PICAXE mouse and PC interfacing"