serin timeout [ error not compiling


New Member
Hi All,
I see the serin timeout problem doesn't seem to want to go away.
For me, I'm trying to use Serin [1000,timeout],0,T2400,b0 in my code which is shown in several posts in this forum as workin code and in the picaxe manual for the 18X.
However, I'm always presented with a syntax error for the first [.
I'm using it with the xbee and would like to implement another suggestion where I will flag the RTS line to receive buffer data from xbee, therefore only need a minimal timeout otherwise I will need to broadcast a frequent intervals to the xbee so that there is always something in the buffer.
Not ideal, I'd prefer to have the timeout working as it should.
Help please.
Many thanks.


From Manual 2...
Additional optional timeout syntax options [B][I]for X1 and X2 parts[/I][/B]:
SERIN [timeout,address], pin,baudmode,(qualifier...)
SERIN [timeout,address], pin,baudmode,(qualifier...),{#}variable,{#}variable
SERIN [timeout,address], pin,baudmode,{#}variable,{#}variable not a valid command on an 18X I'm afraid :(