serial on an picaxe 18 project board


I am using a picaxe 18X on a on a Rev ed project board with the transistor array but I don?t know where I connect the serial in and serial out to so if someone could provide me with a diagram I feel really stupid asking this after there is so much already up, I just do get how to connect it to my project board with out taking off any components as for every this also the code and computer program I am fine
how would my connection circuit look i know that you need those 2 resistors
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Do you mean serin/out for the purpose of programming? It's the jack socket.
If you mean for serial signals to send and receive to another project/device then input is simply pick an input and use it. For output you can use any of the buffered outputs but remember to add a pullup resistor and that the buffer inverts the signals. (You will need to also invert the incomming signal if 'talking' to the same device with send AND receive).
Alternatively, replace the transistor array with a DIL resistor pack.
If neither of those options suites, then you must make a direct link to the PICAXE side of the transistor array.


what i want is to connect it to my computer, so can can i connect the serial in to input with out removing any resistors and connect the output to one of the output pin on the 18x would that work if so would the commands be serin 0, serout 6 if using input 0 and output 6 would that be right?
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Yes, the serin will work work for any input and the serout on any output. Your PC will be putting out +/- 12v and the maximum input to a PICAXE is 5v so you MUST use two resistors configured as per the download circuit for the PICAXE input and it is good practice to add 180R in series with the output from the PICAXE.
Don't forget what I said earlier about which side of the darlington you use.