Serial LCD + 08m2 picaxe help


Senior Member
Dear all
Please could you help me to know:
Can I use 1602 16x2 LCD Character Display + IIC/I2C/TWI/SPI Serial interface Board Module(photo please) with picaxe reduit.JPG08m2 picaxe for see the display like as SERIAL OUTPUT BUFFER at Simulate picaxe and the simple code :
# serout 1, T2400, ("HELLO") #
-Must to use with the AXE033 kit only
- Use other code (please help give me the code)
Thank you in advance for your time.


Senior Member
Yes you can use it but not with simple code.

The product is one of those displays where an i2c port expander has been connected to a HD44780-compatible LCD in 4-bit mode. These are normally advertised as being for Arduino because Arduino uses C, so the complexity of these modules can be hidden away in a library and it can be controlled by a simple command similar to serout on PICAXE. Arduino also uses compiled code which runs much faster than PICAXE, so it's likely the display will be quite slow to update.

I strongly recommend using the AXE033 or (better still) get a bigger PICAXE and use a parallel LCD in 8-bit mode.


Senior Member
I used my first LCD on an 08M with a serial interface from Peter Anderson about 10 years ago. The AXE033 is an alternative serial interface - different, but just as good. Asynchronous serial interfaces like these are probably the simplest to use with an 08M2 due to their limited number of pins.

The 08M2 has i2c master capability, so should be well suited to the interface that you have. If you know the part number of the interface chip, do a search of the forums. I'm sure other forum members have used this method of interfacing to an LCD - however, not me! :)


Senior Member
Dear nick12ab and inglewoodpete.
Thank you very much for the help to both of you. It helped me and answered all what I want to know.
Kindest regards