Serial Communication between PICAXE chips - which polarity to use?


New Member
Please someone explain which is better to use when using SEROUT/SERIN communication between PICAXE chips:
N "inverted" polarity or
T "True" polarity.

My serial LCD display module requires "True" and that's what I am using and it works just fine.
The book says to use "Inverted" polarity when using a simple resistor interface.
Is that what I should use for 28X2 to 08M2 communication?

Can I use both at the same time (different pins, of course)?

I having a hard time with the de-bugging and I just want to eliminate any problems I can.


Yes, you can use "True" polarity on one pin and "iNverted" polarity on a different pin in the same program.

Note that where you use the "True" polarity, this has the single idle high and thus you should include a HIGH <pin> command at the start of the program otherwise the receiving end may see the low state as data leading to garbage being input.