Scrolling text on 8 x 64 Matrix


New Member
This is my second post on the forum, and I would like to thank all those who have helped me.

I made a promise to produce this to some one very special, unfortunately age and lack of knowledge means that I have no chance of developing the code to drive the 5 74HC595 shift registers attached to the 4 led common cathode matrices by a 18M2 microcontroller in any sensible time scale.

Does any one have such a code they are willing to share? I am able to find code for other platforms but nothing for picaxe.

I have read in other threads members encouraging individuals to try and post their attempts and I applaud this approach but I am quite desperate. So if any one can help thanks.



Senior Member
Hello elec93, I don't want to raise your hopes, as I'm not your guy, but you seem to have an idea of the electronics . . .

If you are able to identify the 8 x 64 matrices ( sounds quite frightening actually. is that 8 x 64 or 8 x 8 x 8 - just checking ) and possibly post a link to a datasheet or at least a photograph.

If you have a circuit diagram of the intended register and matrix connections, then it would at least indicate that there was a solid target for someone to program against.

I suspect that you may also need drivers to handle the current for the LEDs.

What actually is the project? All these things will better help you to get assistance.

You mention about not being able to develop the code, but do you have a Picaxe programming environment and AXE027 programming cable working, with PE5 or PE6?

Best wishes.


I have moved your thread from the Finished Projects area to the Active PICAXE Fourm area where it is likely to receive more responses.

If you seek help with more specific code then I suggest that you provide the schematic for your prject so that folks here know which PICAXE pins are used (and for what purpose/function) and how the 74HC595 shift registers and LED matric are all connected.