Reading from Picaxe


New Member
Can I read “my” code from a picaxe chip including the eeprom contents and if so how.


This get's asked many, many times and usually ends up with....

1. 15 ways to archive/save your code and data.
2. Don't stick it on a programmer or else you may regret it.
3. No you can't copy Johnny's code or homework.


As mentioned, this question arises time and time again.

While acknowledging that some just do not read the manuals thoroughly, if at all,
it would be good if a statement to the effect that it is NOT possible to upload a program from a PICAXE chip back to the Programming Editor/PC was put in Manual 1 in say the "Quick Start" Section. Interspersed in a few spots through the Manual 1 might be a good idea.