Read Temp and display on a sure 4x7 segment display


Senior Member
I am still learning and enjoying working with picaxe; I like to break my projects down into simple modules, my next aim is to read the time from a RTC and display it on a 4x7 segment display running SPI. I have started out by reading the temp and displaying that before adding i2c to the mix. This is the result.

This is the code any comments are welcome as I am keen to learn better methods.

#picaxe 20X2
	symbol DS18B20_Pin = C.7 ' temp pin
	symbol CLK = B.5 'Clock pin
	symbol DTA = B.6 'Data pin
	symbol DIM = B.7 'DIM pin
	symbol pattern = b0
	symbol pattern2 = b1


readtemp DS18B20_Pin, w1  ; read value into w1
goto writetemp

if w1 = w4 then 'check to see if the temp has changed
goto main

w4 = w1   'set w4 to the temp (w1) this is used later to check the temp and only update if needed.
w2 = w1 / 10 ' extract the left most digit from the temp reading
w3 = w1 // 10 ' extract the right most digit from the temp reading
		lookup w2, (%11111100, %01100000, %11011010, %11110010, %01100110, %10110110, %10111110, %11100000, %11111110, %11100110), pattern 'lookup pattern for left most digit
		'represents      0          1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9

		lookup w3, (%11111100, %01100000, %11011010, %11110010, %01100110, %10110110, %10111110, %11100000, %11111110, %11100110), pattern2 'lookup pattern for right most digit
		'represents      0          1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9

   	        spiout CLK, DTA, LSBFirst_L, (%10011100)     'send 'C'
		spiout CLK, DTA, LSBFirst_L, (%11000110)     'send '''
		spiout CLK, DTA, LSBFirst_L, (pattern2)     'send right most digit
		spiout CLK, DTA, LSBFirst_L, (pattern)     'send left most digit

goto main


Ex-Staff (retired)
Looks okay to me but I would suggest using more meaningful variable names than 'pattern' and 'pattern2', and it would also be worth giving your 'w' variable names as well.