

New Member
I have been using picaxe chips for some time I also have the Raspberry PI Amicus18 and Arduino boards, what gets me on the soap box is the oldboys club mentality of a number of forums and 'maker clubs' (definately does not apply to this site) where basic is frowned upon and all programs are spread across multiple pages of github with memorable names liks RUNTFTTC.
My philosopy has allways been less is more, keep it as simple as reliability/repeatability allows, for simplicity the picaxe is fantastic, with 15 lines of code you can do a lot or nothing at all depending on how you code it.The posts on this site from the inexperienced users are frquently source of inspiration the forum also fills a subtantial gap in the user manual, it would be a shame if the forum were to move 'upmarket' squeezing out the intelectual pygmies such as myself and the fun element.
You never know I may turn to the dark side and become a technophobe!


Senior Member
My philosophy is to ignore the fanboys and narrow-minded nut cases. There is no one-size-fits-all. This applies to microcontroller chips, languages and even programming style.

Use what works for you and for the application at hand. And have fun doing it.


Solder something simple!

As for the attitude you describe, I suppose some people work on million-line programs in the day job and don't know how to switch off.

Keeping a simple BASIC interpreter means most of the stuff on this site will at least remain useful to us who like to just get on with it, though there's plenty of scope for horrifying complexity if you want it...


Senior Member
github - the clue is in the name.


Definition of git in English:
British informal
An unpleasant or contemptible person: that mean old git a warped, twisted little git


The effective centre of an activity, region, or network:


Well-known member
" GIT! "

When old Uncle Bob used to yell this at us, we high-tailed it the heck outta there!

I never would have described old Uncle Bob as "unpleasant or contemptible", but now I see that he was warning us that he could be! <GRIN>


New Member

I really like the definition I consider myself as abit of an old g*t who has not really got the hang of the 20th century yet never mind the 21st. I have not completely lost my sense of humour yet but I do wonder if some have lost their sense of proportion ,there are a lot of simple projects out there the crapiest ones usually in the electronics press where they throw a ton of hardware and a raspberry Pi just to do a job that probably only needs a transistor and a relay. There is nothing wrong with the Pi it just deserves better as has already been said it's horses for courses but unless its the only option avalable I don't see the point of making things too complex in my job every time they had a problem they threw a PC at it they never really identified the problem so the problem persisted, so after a while they threw another PC at it!