

Senior Member

Can i get away with using the GPS module without using the PICAXE CONNECT KIT... ????

Is it possible to connect them directly? Or through some other means without the kit?


maybe I am coming in cold here but seems like more information is needed.

What GPS module? (after a search is it the LS41-EB? or other) - provide a link

What PICAXE are you using?

What PICAXE connect kit? (after a search - the AXE210 ?) - provide a link

EDIT: More clarity in questions would receive faster answers

Others on this forum have been connecting GPS modules direct to PICAXe from my understanding.
The LS510EB uses a serial comms with 4800 baud 8-bit no parity 1-stop bit, which is in line with the PICAXE serin comamnd protocol.
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The AXE210 is basically just a carrier for the PICAXE and GPS (or XBEE) modules.

You can certainly connect the PICAXE and GPS directly using a breadboard or other method.

You will need to either ring the PICAXE at the 3/3.3V or
If running the PICAXE at 5V then you must provide an interface from 5V to 3V (a couple a resistors will work) so as not to present 5V to the GPS and damage it.

An 08M may be a little small in program and memory capacity terms but can communicate as well as other PICAXE chips.
Try a search on the forum for the GPS module and see if others have posted some code. will it fit in an 08M using the PE and simulation mode?


Senior Member
hmm good point, thanks. I have a 28a sitting here i can use if all else fails.

there seems to be a schematic in the datasheet of the CONNECT, for connecting the GPS to the picaxe...


Yes, the diagram at the bottom of page 3 gives you the information.

If Technical or others at Rev Ed read this post, they may wish to make a note that the AXE210 datasheet footer indicates the sheet title as AXE110.PDM - that is, the same footer ID as the AXE110 datalogger sheet.


Senior Member
I'll borrow this thread, as it is related.. Does the picaxe connect kit include a max232 chip? I figure, that getting 1 of those is the easiest way to configure a few xbee chips.