Pullup Simulation


Senior Member
After readingthat the M2 range all have some or all I/O pins with controlable 'weak pullups', I decided to figure out the pins that have pullups on the new 08M2.

I used this small program to find out.

#picaxe 08m2

pullup on


let b0=pinsb

pause 200

goto main
When I simulate this program (PE 5.4.0) the output pane looks link picture 1. The input pins are shown in the LOW state. I would have expected the inputs with pullups on, to be shown in the HIGH state as in picture 2.
When the pullups are ON, testing an input for state shows the input to be LOW instead of HIGH. I have tried this with the PE set to 28X2, with thesame results.

Is this a Simulation problem or a user(me:eek:) error?
The pullups seem to work OK on the hardware, just not in simulation.

The manual doesn't state the pins that have pullups for the 08M2.



Technical Support
Staff member
Internal pullups are not currently simulated. This is because you can click on screen and leave the input in either state, so the concept of 'default' doesn't really exist in simulation.