Programmer App Error "Could not load extension icon 'res/audio_128.png"


New Member
I think this problem stems from a CHROME update... but I get this error when trying to add the app to chrome using a MAC or a PC. Any input or expected fix date? UPDATE: friend downloaded a Version 48 (from february?) for MAC and the error message did not appear... so it is a problem with CHROME update. I have been unable to install old version of CHROME on my PC...
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Technical Support
Staff member
We'll look into this, the same package used to work ok so it looks like its something to do with a recent Chrome update and the way it checks for manifest errors. It looks like a simple icon file is missing so should be a simple fix.


New Member
thanks!!! Also, my client was able to download an old version of CHROME on her MAC airbook and get the app installed - but the "select port" option only allowed 2 choices "Bluetooth-modem" and "Bluetooth-incoming-port" This list did NOT change when she plugged in the USB programming cable. and neither seemed to connect to the PICAXE. What is the right port to use?


Technical Support
Staff member
Neither - if the port is not available as after plugging in the axe027 cable and restarting the app it is most likely the driver for the AXE027 is not correctly installed.
