prog too long - by how much??


Senior Member
When I get a 'program too long error' on syntax check or compile is there any way to find out HOW MANY BYTES TOO LONG?

Remming out a bunch of stuff is quite tedious and it would seem the amount too long could be displayed - this is the most often annoyance I have using the editor...

thanks, I love playing with the PICAXES!


Technical Support
Staff member
No way to do this at present, but this is one of the features already on our customer 'wish-list'.


Ex-Staff (retired)
The only way to get an idea of program space required is to change to another variant and do a Syntax Check; eg, if your target is an 08 compile for an 08M, if target is an 18 compile for an 18A. There are problems if using commands which aren't supported by the other processor and some slight variations in target code sizes ( especially if compiling for a X-series ), but it gives a rough idea of what space is needed.


Senior Member
thanks tech & hippy... I'll try to check syntax more often as I write too... am dealing with 08Ms currently which has commands not available in 18 [I think!] so it might not work checking with 18 compile but I'll give that a try - and 18X...

I look forward to the new feature :)