Problem Picaxe 14M with LM298n


New Member
Problem Picaxe 14M with L298n


I think I have a problem with the current output Picaxe 14M. When I connect directly the L298N input to 5V, my motor works. When I connect the L298N input to output Picaxe 14M my motor doesn’t work and Picaxe is burning.

why ? I can read in datasheet I need only 100µA on L298N input to work my motor.

picaxe with L298N

L298N datashett

Thanks for your help.
Sorry for my bad English.
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Senior Member
Probably a wiring error... or short... However resistors are much less expensive than PICAXEs so put a 1000 ohm resistor between PICAXE pins and motor driver and that would limit any currents back feeding into the PICAXE... Not sure why you have a diode on the PICAXE V+... are you sure it's the correct way around? Perhaps a picture of your actual setup could help... Measure some currents when parts are connected together and apart.


Senior Member
The PICAXE getting hot is not a good sign. Disconnect the L293 and test the PICAXE on its own.

With the L293 disconnected or unplugged, see if you can download a simple program that turns each of the outputs high and low with a 250mS delay between each transition. Using an LED (cathode on 0v) and a 330 to 1k ohm resistor (connected to the anode), test each output to see that the PICAXE can still flash the LED.