POD - single digit display module

Jeremy Leach

Senior Member
POD - single digit display module.

I'm putting this little project up as a rough write up. If there was interest I could put more effort into writing it up in more detail. It was a bit experimental, but better to post it than possibly get deleted on my PC ! ...

The Picaxe One-digit Display(POD) is a self-contained board that can fit into small project enclosures where the use of, say, a serial LCD display might be an issue. The whole idea is to display information in a series of digits or characters on the one-digit display. The board has a Picaxe18X which sits waiting for commands on it's serial input, then goes off and displays depending on the commands.

The code is in two parts:
1. Driver Routines, which have to be loaded into your main picaxe that is controlling the POD (this code includes a demo), and
2. The POD code to be loaded on the POD 18x picaxe.

I actually went to town on a command language and all sorts of different functions offered by the POD (see driver code for details) :

- Signed and un-signed integers
- Pre-defined message strings
- Voltages via an attached Pot

(you'll notice I've soldered the picaxe directly to the board and no program download capability - confident eh ?! Actually I was desperate to get a very low profile for all components so the board could fit nicely onto the lid of the box...)


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