Picaxe18X datalogger

I am trying to use the wizard AXE-18X New Datalogger mission program but when I run the program it halts at symbol LF = 10 'line feed with the message 'Error mistake in this line'.

As I have not changed the program can anyone tell me what is going on?




Ex-Staff (retired)
According to the latest manuals, 'lf' is a reserved word; presumably a pre-defined symbol constant with value 10 ($0A).

If that is the case; simply comment out the line ( a ' or ; at the start of the line ) and the code will work as expected. I guess the data logger wizard hasn't been updated to reflect pre-defined symbol changes in the Programming Editor.
Many thanks for that. I looked in the Basic commands list I got from the Picaxe web site but IF was not listed as a reserved command.
