Picaxe VSM projects and strip-boarding


New Member
Hi. I'm new in these parts, but I've been really impressed by the Picaxe system, and it's fired my imagination up.

So i just bought myself a license for PicaxeVSM, and there's one thing from the FAQ for PicaxeVSM I haven't been able to figure out. It says that somewhere on the http://www.picaxe.co.uk site is a file we can download that has all the gear for the Picaxe projects to load them up into VSM. I've been combing the site, but I can't manage to find it.

Also, unfortunately I don't have the facilities available to etch my own PCBs, so I'd like to make up the circuits on veroboard (stripboard? It's called so many things by so many people...). Does anyone know about programs that I can load netlists from VSM into to make up veroboard layouts for it? I can do it myself, but it's time-consuming, so if I can get a program to do it for me, all the better.


Senior Member

Veecad is a stripboard/veroboard layout program that imports netlists from schematic programns and converts them to stripboard layouts. There is a free version.


It's interesting that stripboards/veroboards are not very popular in the US. After using one, I wwas impressed with the simplicity of building crcuits.

I had an opportunity to try Veecad out this week, it works well and just for the record Veecad also works with the free version of DIPTRACE. :)

So now VSM users can create both pcbs and stripboards with free software.

Note: the one headache with all netlist imports is that the component names must be identical. But once you have made a library, its pretty simple.

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