picaxe input question


Senior Member
Morning all!
Looked for a bit around the datasheets
And forum for the specs on the inputs for picaxe. Persay my signal input from an RC receiver is 3.8v would like to compare if it's ok with the 28x1 or 28x2. Or what are the max limits.



Senior Member

So 3.8 volts is ok.
Planing to use pulsing on the picaxe input pin and convert that to a low or high output pin to drive a led.

The signal is coming from a RC receiver, at high level it outputs 3.8v and at lowes .254v.


New Member
Good day, I have trouble communicating picaxe of the M2 series through the serial input pin with serrxd command.
I am using a GSM module, through which I can send sms through sertxd command, but the reception only reach cacarcteres corrupt.
I tested the software with terminal picaxe programing editor, and only received when the option "add 5ms delay Between ......." is active.
The speed of communication is 4800baud, picaxe 20M2 to 4MHz.
thanks Greetings.

serrxd @bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptr inc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,. .......,@bptr
pause 500


Ex-Staff (retired)
Welcome to the PICAXE forum.

If your program works from Terminal but not with the GSM module then the problem is likely that the GSM module is sending data too quickly for the PICAXE to keep up.

You may be able to make it work by using a SERIN command on a different pin by increasing the PICAXE operating speed with SETFREQ, otherwise you may have to use a PICAXE X2 and background serial receive .