picaxe bluetooth to PC


Ex-Staff (retired)
Haven't done it nor seen it done but it should be fairly straightforward. Connect a PICAXE output to the unit and use SEROUT, connect the unit to a PICAXE input and use SERIN. All the rest is in configuring the unit, establishing the BlueTooth link, and choosing the right baud rate and polarity.

Note that not all PICAXE's can send and/or receive at 9600 baud, though most can, and even go faster.


New Member
thanks hippy. I'll give it a go but if it's that simple why hasn't anyone done it ?. Seems to me there could be a lot of uses for this sort of thing. Controlling robots from a mobile phone, shut the garage from the PC, even remotely unlock your car using your bluetooth enabled iphone.


Ex-Staff (retired)
Why it's not been done ... maybe it has but not reported upon, or reported where I haven't seen it. Serial to Bluetooth modules aren't excessively expensive these days but not 'lose down the back of the sofa' loose change either, and there are competing wireless options, XBee and 433MHz particularly.

Quite often it may be that people 'would like to' but are holding off until someone else has done it first, worked all the kinks out of doing it. Knowing something will work with good examples of 'how to' can be the motivation for people to try it themselves where they may be cautious in spending money otherwise. Hopefully what you are doing will work and you'll report back on success and I'm sure forum members will try to help if you do run into any problems along the way.

PS : I forgot to say welcome to the PICAXE forum !


Senior Member
Hi Steve

I agree with Hippy, people like myself will wait to see what has/can be done if budget and time are issues.

Like my UAV blimp, the envelope is on my wardrobe collecting dust :eek:. Been mega busy recently, preparing for a fusion welding audit at work... and maybe a slight bit lazyness induced by tippy tappying the works PC all day.

Anyway Steve, let us all know how you get on if you get to grips with the BlueSMiRFs... co-incidently, I was looking at these from sparkfun.

Have you an idea in mind for your wireless project?