PICAXE 28X - ULN2803 Driver Chip - Stepper Motor


New Member
Hello, im a sixth form student. Currently making a final project. I am using the PICAXE 28X and the ULN2803 driver ( for my stepper motor (
the basic programming is there but that is only if im using the picaxe chip not the ULN2803 chip aswel.

Could anybody help me out with programming the overall circuit board? I can use basic and logicator but i'm just a bit confused :)

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The code IS for using the darlington driver chip.
If you connected the motor to +12v and direct to the PICAXE it would blow the PICAXE chip. It can't handle that level of current or voltage directly.

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In response to PM.

When using the darlington driver, the two common wires go to +12v and the four coil wires go to the driver outputs. As explained in the documentation and on the link supplied by you.