Off Topic - an interesting free online electronics course (MOOC) from edX


Senior Member
Hi All

Not based on picaxe unfortunately but there is a course on embedded systems starting with the edX group of universities (MIT, Harvard, Caltech, etc.). Looks like it starts from the basic LED flashing and progresses to writing a space invader program to run on a Nokia 5110 LCD.
You can enrol for the course or just audit it. Also, they have the technology to run all the code as simulations if you don't want to buy the development environment they have chosen.

It could also be interesting to do the course but use picaxe as the platform rather than their chosen Texas Instruments TM4C123



Senior Member
Certainly interesting Matherp. The concept of being able to audit will in itself produce people that will be better equipped to formally participate at a similar level in the future.

As a young man, I received permission to sit in on electronics technician continuation courses as an observer on the basis that there was at least one qualified candidate present. I remain grateful for the kindness shown in that regard all those years ago and learned about valve IA VG curves among other things. Initiatives such as this really are of great value. Thanks again for bringing this example to the forum's attention Matt.

Applying your own chosen development platform to the material is another technique widens the knowledge base.