"no-table directive cannot be used...."?

Dave E

Senior Member
I received this message when I tried to program a 28X2 (B.3), editor 5.5.0:

"#no_table directive cannot be used when that memory area is used by program!"

I have used 3879 bytes in slot 0 of this program. I don't understand why I get this error when I am NOT using a data table. Is the NO_TABLE directive info stored in an EEPROM area that I am trying to store code in? I still have over a two hundred bytes to go.

Anyone have an idea?

Dave E.


Technical Support
Staff member
If you don't use the table, program memory can overflow into this reserved area, hence giving you a longer possible program.

What you now can't do is use #no_table to stop programming this area for a quicker download, because it is now needed by your long program.

So simply delete the #no_table directive.