Need help: Constant calculated by an other constant - how to do ?


New Member

I want to define a constant value by a mathematic operation using a predefined constant.
Something like this

#define cUmax 20000 ;constant to be given by user
#define cImax 3000 ;constant to be given by user

#define cT1 cUmax/19 ;const cT1 = CUmax/19
#define cT2 cUmax/100 + cT1 ;const cT2 = cUmax/100 + cT1
#define cT3 cT2 + cImax/100 ;const cT3 = cT2 + cImax/100

But the code (3 last lines) above is not possible in PicAxeBasic.

Currently I see only these 2 solutions:
1) Using Symbols and variables - calculate them with word/byte variables
=> As I need all variables for the rest of the program - I can't use this
2) Calculation as in 1) and store the results in the EEPROM.
=> But this needs later on also the word/byte variables for the code
and leads to a lot of Store/Load-procedures
Furthermore - I assume, that the read/write procedures to the EEPROM
are a little bit "longer" then those from the stack....

Is there an other solution ? (as I need the calculation only once a time and then
using the calculated values like constant)

I read several times the manuals - but I couldn't find any other solution/hint.
Any idea how to solve this ?

kind regards

P.S: My current solution is to claclulate all the values by myself and put them into the code like below...
(which works ok - but that could be faulty...)
#define cUmax 20000 ;constant to be given by user
#define cT1 1052 ;const cT1 = CUmax/19
#define cT2 1252 ;const cT2 = cUmax/100 + cT1


Have a look at this thread using SYMBOLS

This method is good for calculating derived values based on 1 given value where they need only be calculated once at program download.


but be aware that values and results cannot be greater than 65535.
The example in the linked thread will not work but for example this modified extract will"

Symbol freq = 56100 ; 96.1 MHz
Symbol freqSmall = freq / 100 ;for freq in terminal
Symbol freqValue = freq + 2250 ;for HSI
Symbol freqVal = freqValue / 8192 ;32.768kHz / 4
Symbol freqVal.msb = freqVal / 256
Symbol freqVal.lsb = freqVal & 255
sertxd ("Start",13,10)

w0 = freqsmall
w1 = freqValue
w2 = freqval

pause 1000
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Senior Member

... I need all variables for the rest of the program - I can't use this
Which PICaxe, and how many do you need? M2s have at least 6 extra S_W1 ... S_W6 words, and most have 512 bytes of RAM (see PEEK/POKE and @bptr) for variables.

The ** operator can multipy by any word (1 ... 65535) and then divides by 65536. That can be very useful for pre-calculated scaling (i.e. multiply+divide), provided that the result can be smaller than the source variable/constant.

Cheers, Alan.


New Member

thanks a lot !

Both examples are good way forwad - and exactly what I need ;)
The math-examples looks very interestring - and I think I need that, because
AllyCat already identified, that I need these maths for my LabBench-Project :rolleyes:


P.S: I'm currently using a 14M2 and/or 20M2
P.S.S: Again - thanks a lot - best forum - although my/the questions are stupid - I'll get a reply in friendly kind of way


Ex-Staff (retired)
#define cUmax 20000 ;constant to be given by user
#define cImax 3000 ;constant to be given by user

#define cT1 cUmax/19 ;const cT1 = CUmax/19
#define cT2 cUmax/100 + cT1 ;const cT2 = cUmax/100 + cT1
#define cT3 cT2 + cImax/100 ;const cT3 = cT2 + cImax/100

But the code (3 last lines) above is not possible in PicAxeBasic.
You can, as suggested, use SYMBOL commands, but as maths in a SYMBOL assignment is limited to only one maths operation you need to do additional intermediate calculations, for example -

Symbol cUmax = 20000      ; constant to be given by user
Symbol cImax = 3000       ; constant to be given by user

Symbol cT1   = cUmax/19   ; const cT1 = CUmax/19
Symbol tmpA  = cUmax/100
Symbol cT2   = tmpA + cT1 ; const cT2 = cUmax/100 + cT1
Symbol tmpB  = cImax/100
Symbol cT3   = cT2 + tmpB ; const cT3 = cT2 + cImax/100

SerTxd( "cUmax = ", #cUmax, CR, LF )
SerTxd( "cImax = ", #cImax, CR, LF )
SerTxd( "cT1   = ", #cT1,   CR, LF )
SerTxd( "cT2   = ", #cT2,   CR, LF )
SerTxd( "cT3   = ", #cT3,   CR, LF )



Senior Member
nicely done hippy
it does look correct to me too
but perhaps just have to verify ct3 = ct2 + cImax / 100
Symbol cUmax = 20000      ; constant to be given by user
Symbol cImax = 3000       ; constant to be given by user

Symbol cT1   = cUmax/19   ; const cT1 = CUmax/19
Symbol tmpA  = cUmax/100
Symbol cT2   = tmpA + cT1 ; const cT2 = cUmax/100 + cT1
Symbol tmpB  = cT2 + cImax
Symbol cT3   =  tmpB /100 ; const cT3 = cT2 + cImax/100

SerTxd( "cUmax = ", #cUmax, CR, LF )
SerTxd( "cImax = ", #cImax, CR, LF )
SerTxd( "cT1   = ", #cT1,   CR, LF )
SerTxd( "cT2   = ", #cT2,   CR, LF )
SerTxd( "cT3   = ", #cT3,   CR, LF )
often you see formula's like ct1 & ct2 used to avoid overflow
maybe can be rewritten as ct2 = cUmax *119 /1900
or ct2 = cUmax / 15.96
adc's have a base of2 so should likely be 16 unless maybe allowing for slope errors

ct3 = cUmax /16 + cImax /100 ( if ct1 and ct2 not required)