More simulator suggestions ...

Jeremy Leach

Senior Member
1. I think it would be helpful to have a line of text that tells you what the result of the last command executed was. For instance "Counter = 14" or "Pin1 = 1" etc.

2. I'm not happy with the way the symbol names are displayed in the variable panel. With many names defined for the same variable (which I often have) you often can't see the name you want. Perhaps an alphabetic list of variables (and symbol names) and values would be better, with a vertical scroll bar. This is what I did in my sim.

3. It doesn't seem possible to start the sim from the cursor position. It seems to start from the start of the program. I think this has been mentioned before but I wasn't using the sim then and didn't get what people were saying. It would be really helpful to be able to start anywhere - although I appreciate there are difficulties when Returns,Endifs and Nexts are reached when their respective Gosub, For and If statements haven't been executed.

4. I've just noticed that the RAM memory panel in the sim doesn't clear to all zeroes when I run the sim again. I think it needs to because it gets very confusing when you keep counter values in RAM etc !

Edited by - jeremy leach on 28/12/2006 21:46:18


Senior Member
Jeremy - this may be a dirty little secret... that one variable can have a lot of names... It would be even better if we had a chip with more variables available so we didn't do this! Happy Programing....