LED Display Help


Senior Member
I am trying to use this serial LED display from sparkfun http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=9230 with a 28x1 but it displays all zeros or nothing at all
could somebody please help

; *******************************
;    Filename: LEDClock.bas 		
;    Date: 	9/7/09		
;    File Version: V2.1 			
;    Function: A Clock And Thermometer		
;    Target PICAXE:28X1	
; *******************************
'Declare Symbols 
symbol owport = 0
symbol seconds = b3
symbol mins = b4
symbol hour = b5
symbol day = b6
symbol date = b7
symbol month = b8
symbol year = b9
symbol temp = w1
symbol hour1 = b10
symbol hour2 = b11
symbol min1 = b12
symbol min2 = b13
symbol temp1 = b14
symbol temp2 =b15
symbol Ftemp = b16
symbol value = b17

setfreq m8                   'set internal clock to 8Mhz
i2cslave $D0,i2cslow,i2cbyte 'Initalize DS1307 on i2c bus

if portc pin1 = 0 and  pin2 = 1 then
	readi2c 0,(seconds,mins,hour,day,date,month,year)  'Read RTC
	if hour > $12 then ' test if PM or AM
	hour = hour - $12  
	hour1 = hour >> 4
	hour2 = hour << 4
	hour2 = hour2 >> 4
	' hour1 has the first digit of the hour, hour2 has the second digit of the hour
	min1 = mins >> 4
	min2 = mins << 4
	min2 = min2 >> 4
	' min1 has the first digit of the minutes, min2 has the second digit of the minutes
	gosub LEDTime
	wait 1

if portc pin1 = 1 and  pin2 = 0 then
	readtemp owport,temp
' temp (w1) is a 16-bit variable which holds an 8 bit number returned from the sensor.
' If bit position 7 is high, the celcius temperature is negative, else it is positive
' the absolute temperature value is held in bit positions 0 - 6
' theoretical temperature range is thus -127 to 127 celsius, or -196.6 to 260.6 farenheit
' actual sensor range is -55 to 125 celsius, or -67 to 257 farenheit

' program works for sensor temperatures between -32 and 126 celsius (-25.6 to 258.8 farenheit)
' values outside this range cause overflow/underflow

	if temp < 127 then 				' test for positive temperature reading
		gosub PosCtoF
		Temp1 = FTemp / 10			' FTemp is decimal (not BCD like the time), grab first digit
		Temp2 = FTemp // 10			' grab second digit
		gosub LEDTemperature
	else							' else temperature reading is negative
		gosub NegCtoF	
		if w0 > 17 then			
			Temp1 = FTemp / 10
			Temp2 = FTemp // 10
			gosub LEDTemperature
			Temp1 = FTemp / 10
			Temp2 = FTemp // 10
			gosub LEDTemperature

	wait 1

goto main        ' repeat

' w1 is in celsius; farenheit = 1.8*w1 + 32 = w1 + 8*w1/10 + 32
w2 = 8*temp / 10 		' w2 holds the integer portion of the value 8*w1/10 
w3 =temp + w2 + 32  	' w3 holds the integer portion of temperature in farenheit
		' w4 holds the decimal portion of the value 8*w1/10
' temperature in farenheight is "w3.w4"
Ftemp = w3

w0 = temp - 128
w1 = temp - 128 ' isolate the lower order 7 bits containing the absolute value of the temperature

' w1 is in celsius; farenheit = -1.8*w1 + 32 = -w1 - 8*w1/10 + 32
w2 = 8*temp / 10 		' w2 holds the (positive) integer portion of the value 8*w1/10 
w4 = 8*temp// 10		' w4 holds the decimal portion of the value 8*w1/10

w3 = -temp + 32		' will not work if temperature is below -32 celsius (-25.6 farenheit)
if w3 <= w2 then
	w3 = w2 - w3
	w3 = w3 - w2 - 1
	w4 = 10 - w4
end if
Ftemp = w3
' temperature in farenheit is "-w3.w4"


' Order to send the time to the clock is hour1, hour2, min1, min2
sertxd (hour1, hour2, min1, min2)


sertxd (0x78,Temp1,temp2,0x78) 'Send Temperature
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Well, it could be any number of things.
What's on pins 1 & 2?
Are they at the correct logic level?

If you use 'terminal' instead of the display, do you get the 'correct' numbers.
(use the # directive to display as ASCII)

Have you configured the display for 9600 baud as per the datasheet?

TIP: Don't try to get your code AND the display working at the same time.
Concentrate on one OR the other until you have 100% confidence with it.


Senior Member
The voltage on pins 1 and 2 is 4.9 V
when veiwing it on the terminal it is the right numbers
I think the display is shipped at 9600


Senior Member
The example does work but not with N9600_8
it works with T9600_8

thanks for all your help I had the baud rate wrong