LCD LIbrary PCF8574 I2C


Senior Member
This is a port of the Arduino LiquidCrystal LCD library to the PICAXE to drive text-based LCDs using the PCF8574 bassed I2C backpack.
It can be used with the all the M2 & X2 chips.

To use it:
1. Download the files
2. Extract the library files and example programs from the zip file into a directory.
3. Connect your PICAXE chip to the LCD. The manual has pictures showing how to connect each PICAXE chip to the LCD to work with the example programs.
4. Download one of the example programs into the PICAXE using Program Editor.

That's it!

See the manual for instructions on how to include this library in your own programs and for the list of commands that the library supports.

NOTE: You can only include one of the LCD_LIB libraries in your program. You cannot use LCD_LIB-PCF8574-I2C together with LCD_LIB-4bit or LCD_LIB-8bit.

EDIT: 10th Dec 2024
I have updated this library to v2
The original version would only work when the LCD using the PCF8574 backpack was the only device connected to the I2C bus. This updated version fixes that bug.


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Flenser you did it, YES
simplify my life looking for Picaxe library about I2C LCD 2 days ago....
Many Thanks for the excellent work it's well written and remarks into code & the manual easy to understand and to work.
Well Done
Any New Library is Welcome..
Thanks for the feedback. I believe that these LCD Libraries are easy to use but that claim needs to be tested and verified by other people.