LCD Display


I am using a 28x1 to display voltage and current readings on an LCD. I have connected the circuit using the schematic on hippys page
I also just cut and pasted his code for the hello world program and got it to work (I had to change 'get' to 'get1' and 'byte' to byte1' as a syntax error kept occuring). So basically I want to display voltage=### and current=### in place of hello and world. I want the real time data to be displayed where ### is to one decimal place (e.g. Voltage = 26.5, Current = 18.3). I am reading the voltage and current on pins 2 and 3 using the readadc10 command. Basically, how do I display on the LCD what the readadc10 command is detecting? It's probably an easy modification to the attached code but I don't know how to do it.

        SYMBOL  RS        = 2         ; 0 = Command   1 = Data
        SYMBOL  E         = 3         ; 0 = Idle      1 = Active
        SYMBOL  DB4       = 4         ; LCD Data Line 4
        SYMBOL  DB5       = 5         ; LCD Data Line 5
        SYMBOL  DB6       = 6         ; LCD Data Line 6
        SYMBOL  DB7       = 7         ; LCD Data Line 7

        SYMBOL  RSCMDmask = %00000000 ; Select Command register
        SYMBOL  RSDATmask = %00000100 ; Select Data register

        SYMBOL  get1     = b11;
        SYMBOL  byte1      = b12;
        SYMBOL  rsbit      = b13;


        GOSUB InitialiseLcd


        EEPROM 6,("Voltage=")

        FOR get1 = 6 TO 13
          READ get1,byte1
          GOSUB SendDataByte


        byte1 = $C0
        GOSUB SendCmdByte


        EEPROM 14,("Current=")

        FOR get1 = 14 TO 21
          READ get1,byte1
          GOSUB SendDataByte



        FOR get1 = 0 TO 5
          READ get1,byte1
          GOSUB SendInitCmdByte

        ' Nibble commands - To initialise 4-bit mode

        EEPROM 0,( $33 )    ; %0011---- %0011----   8-bit / 8-bit
        EEPROM 1,( $32 )    ; %0011---- %0010----   8-bit / 4-bit

        ' Byte commands - To configure the LCD

        EEPROM 2,( $28 )    ; %00101000 %001LNF00   Display Format
        EEPROM 3,( $0C )    ; %00001100 %00001DCB   Display On
        EEPROM 4,( $06 )    ; %00000110 %000001IS   Cursor Move

                            ; L : 0 = 4-bit Mode    1 = 8-bit Mode
                            ; N : 0 = 1 Line        1 = 2 Lines
                            ; F : 0 = 5x7 Pixels    1 = N/A
                            ; D : 0 = Display Off   1 = Display On
                            ; C : 0 = Cursor Off    1 = Cursor On
                            ; B : 0 = Cursor Steady 1 = Cursor Flash
                            ; I : 0 = Dec Cursor    1 = Inc Cursor
                            ; S : 0 = Cursor Move   1 = Display Shift

        EEPROM 5,( $01 )    ; Clear Screen



        PAUSE 15                        ; Delay 15mS


        rsbit = RSCMDmask               ; Send to Command register


        pins = byte1 & %11110000 | rsbit ; Put MSB out first
        PULSOUT E,1                     ; Give a 10uS pulse on E
        pins = byte1 * %00010000 | rsbit ; Put LSB out second
        PULSOUT E,1                     ; Give a 10uS pulse on E

        rsbit = RSDATmask               ; Send to Data register next


George Sephton

Senior Member
To start with you gonna want to know how the stuff is sent, for starter you're gonna run into a lot of trouble if you want to write things to the eeprom then write to the LCD Screen.

Remember you can write to each line with this code:
byte1 = $80 ;Top Line
gosub SendCmdByte

(Everything you want on the top line here)

byte1 = $C0 ;Bottom Line
gosub SendCmdByte

(Everything you want on the bottom line here
Next to write without eeprom:
for counter = 0 to 4
lookup counter, ("Hello"), byte1
gosub SendDataByte
next counter
Note that the counter is 0 to 4, ie 5 letters to be displayed 0-4 (inclusive)
Also watch out that if you put counter = 0 to 10 you will get Hellooooooo

Final Point is bringing it together.
All that's needed is a sub-procedure to run it:

byte1 = $80 ;Top Line
gosub SendCmdByte

for counter = 0 to 4
lookup counter, ("Hello"), byte1
gosub SendDataByte
next counter
Now to implement it into your code:

Keep your: PowerOnReset sub and the InitialiseLcd sub, but everything in between can be replaced with something like this:

GOSUB InitialiseLcd

byte1 = $80 ;Top Line
 gosub SendCmdByte

 for counter = 0 to 4
 lookup counter, ("Hello"), byte1
 gosub SendDataByte
 next counter
goto Main

(Here is your normal code, you could also use the above to rewrite to the 2nd line for example, or loop back to it: goto ShowLCD)
goto Main

Hope that helps cos I had trouble when I first started.