Killing my 18M2


Senior Member
Once I added the L293 board and motor I have been killing my 18M2's. There is no magic smoke, but the program doesn't drive the motor like it should and when I try to re-program the chip I get a "hardware not found" error message. I did modify the CHI030 board by replacing the Darlington drivers with a 330 ohm array. Is there a problem with the wiring diagram? see attached. I also included the code in case I did something glitch there.
'******************Auto Turret.bas****************
'Version 1.2
'AJZ/Sept. 10,  6:23 PM
'The sentinel is controlled by a 4 channel transmitter/receiver
'When the Channel button on the transmitter is pressed,
'the corresponding channel on the receiver goes high
'Channel A drives the turret left
'Channel B drives the turret right
'the limit of rotation is determined by Hall effect sensors
'motor is GM3 or equivalent, 5 volt 3 RPM
'When the power is applied to the shield, the turret rotates back and forth
'In addition the sound of an alien recording is played during rotation

b10 = 199				' PWM duty cycle; adjust for speed

symbol abit = 500			'sets short pause interval
Symbol Chan_A = pinC.2		'Assign receiver channel A to Port C.2
Symbol Chan_B = pinC.0		'Assign receiver channel B to Port C.0
Symbol Chan_C = pinC.4		'Assign receiver channel C to Port C.4
Symbol Chan_D = pinC.1		'Assign receiver channel D to Port C.1
Symbol Limit_L = pinC.5		'Assign left travel limit to Port C.5
					'Hall sensor goes low when magnet approach
Symbol Limit_R = pinC.6		'Assign right travel limit to Port C.6
Symbol slave   = pinC.7		'Assign auto-rotate latch to Port C.7
					'B.7 & C.7 are jumpered together

symbol enable   = B.3	      'motor speed
symbol in1      = B.2		'determines motor direction HI/LO
symbol in2      = B.0		'determines motor direction HI/LO
symbol LED      = B.1	      'fires LED
symbol beep     = B.4	      'makes "alien recording" noise	
symbol chirp    = B.5    	'makes "strange alien" noise
symbol gun      = B.6         'makes "alien machine gun" noise
symbol master   = B.7		'toggles auto mode on & off

#com 1				'specify serial port
#picaxe 18M2			'specify processor
'#no_data				'save download time
'#terminal of			'disable terminal window

'============== Begin Main Program ==========================

dirsB = %11111111			'all outputs
outpinsB = %00110100		'set B.2, B.4 & B.5 high
dirsC = %00000000			'all inputs
low enable
pwmout enable, 199,199 		'5000Hz at 25% @ 4MHz
disconnect				'disable serin

high beep				'activate "strange alien" sound
pause abit				'a momentary pulse activates
low beep				'a 30 second sound bite
if Limit_L = 0 and _
        Limit_R = 0 then	'turret is out of the limits
gosub left				'rotate turret left
end if
If Limit_L = 1 then		'turret is in left limit
	pause abit
	gosub right			'rotate turret right
end if
If Limit_R = 1 then		'turret is in right limit
	pause abit
	gosub left			'rotate turret left
end if
goto auto

high in1 : low in2		'high B.2  low B.0 go left
pwmduty enable, b10 		'run motor
do until Limit_L = 1		'until limit made
low enable				'low B.3 stops motor
pause abit

low in1 : high in2		'high B.0 low B.2 go right
pwmduty enable, b10		'run motor
do until Limit_R = 1		'until limit made
low enable				'stop motor
pause abit
View attachment Wiring Diagram PWM0001.PDF


Senior Member
You're using the Serial In pin as an input with the disconnect command.

You need to hard-reset it to reprogram it. To do that, ensure the power is disconnected from the board, then start the program download and reapply power (in that order).


Senior Member
You're using the Serial In pin as an input with the disconnect command.

You need to hard-reset it to reprogram it. To do that, ensure the power is disconnected from the board, then start the program download and reapply power (in that order).
Thank you Nick! Never too old to learn something new. The two 18M2's I rescued from the trash can also thank you.