If statment... how can I make this work...


In other languages it could do the following.

if (this1 = 0 and this2 = 1 and this3 = 0) or that1 = 1 then
do something​
end if
I tried to do this for a picaxe but I can't use "()" so the code fails when "that1" is equal to 1. How can I do if and/or statements?

snippet from the actual code I'm running.

#picaxe 20m2

symbol redOut    = c.5
symbol grnOut    = c.3
symbol bluOut    = c.2

symbol dip4      = Pinc.0
symbol dip3      = Pinc.1
symbol dip2      = Pinc.4
symbol dip1      = Pinc.6

symbol cnt       = b0
symbol last      = b1
symbol nxt       = b2
symbol stage     = b3
symbol phase     = b4
symbol phaselast = b5

symbol rndm      = w10
symbol bright    = w11
symbol bright2   = w12
symbol rndmphase = w10

setfreq m8


do until stage <> last[INDENT]    random rndm
    stage = rndm // 7 + 1[/INDENT]
    last = stage

if dip1 = 1 then[INDENT]    do until phase <> phaselast[INDENT]        random rndmphase
        phase = rndmphase // 3 + 1[/INDENT]
    phaselast = phase[/INDENT]
end if

if dip2 = 1 and dip3 = 0 and dip4 = 0 or phase = 1 then[INDENT]    select case stage
    case = 1[INDENT]        gosub red
        pause 5000[/INDENT]
    case = 2[INDENT]        gosub green
        pause 5000[/INDENT]
    case = 3[INDENT]        gosub blue
        pause 5000
    case = 4[INDENT]        gosub purple
        pause 5000[/INDENT]
    case = 5[INDENT]        gosub orange
        pause 5000[/INDENT]
    case = 6[INDENT]        gosub yellow
        pause 5000[/INDENT]
    case = 7[INDENT]        gosub white
        pause 5000[/INDENT]
end if
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Senior Member
One way:

if this1 = 0 and this2 = 1 and this3 = 0 then do X
elseif that1 = 1 then do X


Senior Member
Another possibility: don't use b0 for your variable, "cnt", but reserve it to use for its bit constituents, bit0-bit7.

if this1 = 0 and this2 = 1 and this3 = 0 then : bit0 = 1 : else : bit0 = 0 : endif
if bit0 = 1 or that1 = 1 then
  do something
end if
You should, of course, use "symbol" to give bit0 a meaningful name.


Okay. I never thought about using elseif. I'll rearrange my code use use more gosubs so I'm not duplicating code.

Thanks for the advice.