I2C Slave and master


Senior Member
Reading the manuals I can see that I can turn an 18X into an I2C Slave.. And get another 18X master to addres it..

However - Once I have made a Slave - how can I make it respond to commands etc from the master.

Many thanks for any insight



Senior Member
I am getting ready to have an 18X talk to an I2C chip, have not studied in depth, but see that there are these commands:

i2cslave can configure a master port

readi2c for interrogating

Have about 3 projects to get out of the way first..


Senior Member
Dave: The 18X can only be an i2c master device.

The i2cSlave command, used on the 18X, is used to tell it the slave's address and speed that it (as master) will talk to its slave/s.

Only the x1s (and x2s, when they are released) are able to perform the slave role. These are configured using the Hi2cSetup command, which you will see can't be used on the 18x.



Senior Member
Ahh.. Thanks

Very long week..

It's the 18X that can be a Master.. for some reason I confused it with the 28X1 which can become a slave. I also remeber readong some bit-banging articles on making a Slave..

Anyway - Thanks
