hspi sdo behavior on a 20X2


New Member

I need some expert help!!!!
I have spent hours reading documentation, searching the forum and the web, and did not find my answer.

I have a question regarding the behavior of the hspi interface of a picaxe 20x2, mainly concerning the sdo pin.

My project is at paper level, with a 20X2. It will use also a F-RAM (non volatile RAM) with a SPI interface.
I plan to use the hspi hardware interface of the 20X2 at 16MHz (with a 64 MHz picaxe' clock) to write/read the F-RAM.
Port C is configured as normal output pins (except C.1 that is the sdo signal of hspi).

My question is :
Once hspisetup is well configured, is it possible to write the whole port C with a byte (eg. pinsC= %10101101) without changing the function of C.1 from its hspi sdo role to normal output? Would the hsdi configuration be modified?

What I need to do is:
Read the F-RAM
Set port C (as a byte) accordingly to the byte read from the F-RAM
Read the F-RAM
Set port C....etc.

Many thanks in advance for your help