Hello I'm new here


Senior Member
Hi Everyone,
This is my first post just to say hello. I was into electronics years ago, got in to pics, mostly magazine stuff, build a few bits. Now I'am back this Picaxe stuff sure seems quite simple (until I get stuck). Last time I build a buggy using DC motors, said one day I'd do it with steppers, so guess what, my first project is? a simple buggy with DC motors. But I will progress and do it.. If you want to see the old buggy (a box on wheels) and my other electronics visit. http://www.btinternet.com/~melvynsaunders DON'T forget the http:// bit or you get my btyahoo site which I don't use its rubbish.
Anyone have any useful ideas I'm always happy is hear from you.
Kind regards
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and another welcome to the PICAXE forum form WA

Okay the link is now working. However, it might be useful if you gave some insight into exactly where you might appreciate hints and tips.
Are you having specific problems?
What code do you have - do you wnat help to optimise?
or other . . . .

There is no references to PICAXE specific aspects that I spotted. Only that you about to use a PIC (not PICAXE) as in "My next buggy will use a PIC 16F84 Microcontroller "

Have you had a look in the completed project area for robots: http://www.picaxeforum.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=35

or done any searches on the forum for specific topics?
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Senior Member
Hi Cctus and welcome. A bit of advice, be specific in your questions and requests, it save a LOT of time in getting confusion cleared up before arriving at an answer, even if you think you're long winded (like I am now...) but explain your problem as clearly as possible. Then you'll find the guru's here will help you PRONTO....


Welcome to the forum.
As the others have already said, specific questions usually get more specific answers.

"Anyone have any useful ideas", yes, I've got loads;)


Senior Member

Hi westaust55,

Thanks for taking a look at my site, and the post. Yes there is only mention of the good old 16F84, as that was some time ago! 1990's I can't even get the Allegro UCN5804? driver chip now. The old buggy used relays to switch the motors, now I will use the L293, and later the SLA7062 with steppers.

Yes I have had a quick look around the forum, but going to take another look now, thanks but no specific problems at the moment, the basic programming is so simple compeared to the assembler I used to use.

Any comments or ideas welcome,:)


Senior Member
BIG HINT, most likely unnecessary, but read and re-read the manuals. The answer is out there (to quote someone or other)


New Member
Hi -Like the wheels on your buggy - where can I get some? Also,I'm not getting email updates from this BB soI sent you a direct email - would you mind answering that?