Flowchart questions


New Member
Almost new to PIC, programming and electronics so some questions might sound odd to you

I'm working with flowcharts in and have some questions about the interface

1. Is it possible to give the variables other names (have seen the basic code using symbol....) in the flowchart?

2. Does undo work? Doesnt seem to do for me

3. When moving a procedure it will reset, am I doing it wrong?

I know its a beta but havent used the software before in any other versions so I dont know how much is supposed to work or not.

Attaching some images to explain.

Thanks in advance for helping a newbie out.



Technical Support
Staff member
Sorry for delay
1) No, not in flowchart editor directly. They are already renamed varA, varB etc. You could however use a symbol command within a generic 'BASIC cell' if you wanted to.
2) Yes, it is a one level undo/redo.
3) The name does currently reset, we will look into fixing this issue. At present you need to simply retype in the name after the move.


New Member
The ready thing is the annoying part but easy to correct.

I think I had some other strange behavior with undo, will test again.


New Member
Try this
Start with some cells
First pull in a new command
Then copy/paste a second
Group some of the previous commands and move them
That will result in a paste of the recent copy
When doing an undo I've had three different results
Sometimes the undo does what it should but sometimes also restored the move, deleted the copied and the command pulled in.
Sometimes it wont undo anything

A PDF is attached with images to explin this
View attachment Images.pdf