failure to burn


New Member
the mode option when chosen for pic18f2520 fails to reserve this chioce when burning samples\kit120 osciloscope.bas it reverts to 28x1 and asks if i wish to change mode running in windows 7 ( am using purpose made board and system recognise it)


Ex-Staff (retired)
Welcome to the PICAXE Forum.

As I understand it the KIT120 uses a PICAXE-28X1 so the samples\kit120 osciloscope.bas program includes a "#picaxe 28x1" directive to select the 28X1 mode.

When you come to download the program it recognises there is 28X2 installed, realises it cannot down 28X1 code into the 28X2, hence the error message. The choice reverts to 28X1 because that's what the program code requires.