Editor and Win 10


New Member
On uploading the new editor to my now win 10 machine I find that:
I am unable to syntax check any chips other then 08M2 and 18M2 - the editor freezes and the only way to get out is to use task manager.

I also cannot run the simulator which just freezes the whole editor. The controls go grey so you can't stop the simulation, if you try to close then a message saying unable to do whilst simulator running comes up.

I have had problems with other software and Win 10 which seems to be connected with the fact I did an update rather than a clean install of win 10. However these other issues have been resolved so i am reluctant to do a full clean install of win 10 unless I really have to.

Program editor 5.5.6 appears to work OK. on my win 10.


After some extensive trying I find the following:
A simple program -
for b1=1 to 10
wait 1
next b1
This should run on all picaxe chips.
It will only syntax check (and therefore simulate) on the 08m2 and the 18M2
turning prp processing off does not help.

On all other chips selection the syntax check hangs.
Compiler 3.4
Pre processor 1.0.5
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Technical Support
Staff member
There is no real explanation why 18M2 would work and 08M wouldn't - they effectively use the same internal process.

Have you restarted the computer after the install?


New Member
For completeness I will post my irrational solution to this problem.

1. I understand from Email with support that noone else has reported this.
2. What I did was:

After some poking round

I have found a solution of sorts. Details as below should you wish to seek out the problem or advise someone else as to how to fix it should they find themselves in the same position.

1. I opened the compiler folder on and on 5.5.6
2. I moved the not working 08 compiler to the desktop
3. I replaced it with the 08 compiler from the 5.5.6 folder.
4. I ran Picaxe 6.
5. I get an error "Illegal command line switch used "-m"!

I closed the editor

6. I returned the 5.5.6 08 compiler to the original folder and moved the original back into it's correct folder.
7. I opened the editor again on testing the 08 compiler now works. Syntax checks and simulation runs fine.

I have now repeated this for the 08, 14 and 18 files that previously were not working and they all now work.

It is NOT enough to move the compiler to the desk top and back even if you start the editor and run the missing compiler, You get the error compiler not found ( of course).

It seems it needs the illegal command error to correct whatever is wrong - SO I surmise that this is something inside the editor.

Have fun if you find the same fault AND post it here so we/I know it isn't just me!


Technical Support
Staff member
It seems it needs the illegal command error to correct whatever is wrong - SO I surmise that this is something inside the editor.
No, nothing in PE6 changes in this process. The only thing changing is the external compiler file, replacing the correct version with an out of date of version and then back again.

It's far more likely to be an issue with something on your own computer, e.g. a firewall or antivirus (incorrectly) blocking access to certain compiler files.


New Member
I am having the same issue with a 20x2 part. I don't have 5.5.6 loaded, but will download it tonight and try your method to see whether it fixes the problem