Dual Displays


New Member
In a current project, I'm thinking of adding two AXE033Y displays allowing viewing from two opposing directions/sides. Can a PICAXE output drive both displays (showing the same infromation on both) simultaneously? I have a 330 ohm resistor between the PICAXE output pin and the dsplay input.




Senior Member
You shouldn't have any problems driving two serial alphanumeric displays from the same output pin, I've done so. Use a resistor on the output pin for each display.


Senior Member
In a current project, I'm thinking of adding two AXE033Y displays allowing viewing from two opposing directions/sides. Can a PICAXE output drive both displays (showing the same infromation on both) simultaneously? I have a 330 ohm resistor between the PICAXE output pin and the dsplay input.
I checked and could not find a schematic for the AXE033 display... the most relevant post suggested that RevEd did not release a schematic and in further searching it appears that the serial to parallel uC is not a PICAXE chip as is the case with the AXE133. Anyway...

The caution is that on an AXE133 display, RevEd uses the standard 22K/10K resistors for the serial input section. This means that the effective pull-down for two parallel displays is 5K. This is not an issue with the AXE133 since the PICAXE outputs can drive 20ma nominally, but it is something you need to be aware... brute-force paralleling does have it limitations!

Specific to the AXE033 display, whatever the DC input resistance value, it will become half with 2 displays. If the displays are not too distance (say 8 meters or shorter) you should be OK. If you can feed the displays with low-cap cable, even better.

- Ray