

New Member
Hi all, I am using a DS18B20 temperature sensor and attempting to use the alarm values to then light LED's for a high level and low level, is there any way that I am able to set my own Low level and high level alarm for them or are they predetermined?

Thanks for any help


Senior Member
Yes you can change them, see the datasheet. The new levels you set will automatically be stored in EEPROM, though you'll need to use the owout command to set it and the owin command to read anything other than the temperature itself.

An alternative is to compare the temperature reading in the PICAXE rather than use the alarm function.


The OWIn and OWOut commands are only available in the D1 and (newer) X2 PICAXE parts.

If you are using an M2 PICAXE part then you will need to hold the "limits"/set points in your program and do the comparisons within the PICAXE.